
Sickness is overwhelming
Addictions are mandatory
Victory comes when you overcome
your pride
your selfishness
your thoughts
your mind
your reason
your logic
your person
your place
your region
your World

Victory comes when you overcome
the resistance to surrender
the resistance to that pull on your heart
that you allow to go on instead of giving on

Victory comes when you realize
there is nothing left but a God you server
there is none that helps there is none that comes
to your rescue but him or someone with him...

Victory overcomes things that you see as logic ,but in truth are death
Be victorious then take what you have and tack it onto what you believe

I dont know.

Many walk, many fly, many run , many swim , many fly, but all die

Death is the essence of living for it is intertwined within it.
Life is the essence then of death not separated from it's partner in life.

The what are you to be dead or living? Living or dead?
You are dead when you live to things you know are wrong
you have life in the things you know are right..But just as things come to life
some things you wish were dead fallow suit
You wish for the things that are dead to be alive and the things alive to be dead
then depression hits and you think you are worth nothing
then a savior comes and you believe you are worth everything to him

The savior is different for everyone
He can be a she and that means a person
like a mom , aunt , grandmother , or even someone dead

The savior can be a animal who protects him or her
The savior can be someone they don't know , and leaves them with out having to know

However in all of this Christ is behind the saving regardless of who or what it is
Mainly because Christ is the only good in this world ..

There is another side to this coin though there are those who are depressed
and take the knife upon themselves
They believe death is them and death should come
They die before their time
They take a knife slit there throat
They take a pill and kill themselves
They take a gun and fire it to there head
They take a bridge and fall fall fall until they are dead

When they die something inside all of us dies
We say why?? The truth is they had no savior
because they didn't look or if they did look
They gave up They didn't believe...

We all sometimes wish for death
and wonder why it doesn't come

The reason is... Simple
The reason is ... Clear

It's because God cares.